Sister and I are two years and six-inch apart. I’m two years older and six-inch shorter, to be more precise. Talk about being on the wrong side of everything and I’ll appear. She is also (saying this with a heavy heart) pretty or at least that’s what some people say.
But when she was eight maybe nine years old, she was more like a pretty boy with an oval face, longish chin, straight and pointy nose and a broad forehead with a tuft of hair covering half of it. She always wore her unruly hair short and slightly resembled Paul McCartney from The Beatles band.
Paul McCartney
I was her hero-batting my eyelashes- and she made no bones about it. She emulated me as if her life depended on it. I was ok with that, but only under one condition that, she doesn’t dress like me. Unfortunately, my parents bought us everything in pairs and that to in the same color! We literally looked like twins with her being the pretty version. Perhaps a brief description of how I looked when I was ten years old would give you a better picture. Mother coconut oiled my hair and braided it so tight in the hope of turning me into a Rapunzel, that anybody looking at my face could tell, my forehead screamed for help! My sister tailgating me everywhere with her short hair and cute face only made it worse. Only my parents and one uncle thought I was cute too. So I tried to keep her at bay. I bullied her, ignored her, snapped at her and played mean tricks, but to no avail. She clung on to me like a magnet and made my life miserable.
As I entered my teen years I turned into a rebel and stayed that way since. Evil grin! I never let Mother oil my hair or touch my hair for that matter. I cut my hair short and wore bangs and shattered her Rapunzel dreams. Gradually I started looking less ugly. As my rough phase was getting over, my sister’s rough phase began.
When we attended parties, girls used to hit on her. They literally stalked her until they found out she was a girl. After all she was a really good-looking boy! And she was mostly dressed in turtleneck t-shirts and jeans, so we can’t blame the girls. And once, in a picnic, a little boy came up to her and innocently asked, “Brother , are you a Sister!” We laughed so hard till we choked and she never heard the end of it.
Like all this was not enough, her classmates used to hit on me. Oh yeah, I forgot to mentioned, I always looked a bit younger than my age. Although it’s a manufacturing defect worked in my favor.
When she was in her 8th grade she really liked a boy, he was a total stunner. However, his name was Subharao. Can you believe that? Now imagine this: “hey meet my boyfriend, SUBHARAO!” And one day I literally caught her hoping that, Subharao liked her and not me.” With all this going on in her life and a wicked sister like me, she was one step away from going into depression.
One fine day she decided to grow her hair long. In a matter of few days, it grew really long and strong, just like in the shampoo ads. To my surprise, she transformed into this pretty girl with oval face, long chin, pointy nose, sharp features and long and wavy hair. And she was also way taller than me. And I secretly hoped I’d look like her someday when I grow up. With her long hair and svelte figure she took over the reins of her life. She grabbed and held all her classmates attention.
This is her…
She graduated from being called Mamta’s sister to establishing her own identity and she turned into a strong independent woman. Now when I meet people, I’m identified as her sister. When she walks with me, people tell me how beautiful she is and some kind people also tell me that, I’m not that bad-looking either. I can’t believe it’s happening all over again. The only thing that didn’t change about her is that, “I’m still her hero” and it’s totally understandable.
All said and done, my feelings for her never changed and will never change. I hate her so much that it hurts! ☺
Brother, are you a sister. .hahhahahhahhahahahahhahahahhaaaa
O m g ..
Pretty sisters .. I love it 🙂
Uma she was my daily dose of misery and happiness at the same time.. 🙂
Anjali I know you are very partial to her! Grr… 🙂
Lol.. Mamta your posts are like ” quality causing amusement”.
Love reading each and every one.
Reading blogs them have inspired me to start writing .. hope it goes well .. 😉
I love reading your comments too. You are very encouraging!
All the best of your blog, I’m sure you’ll do a great job, do share the link. 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 … no matter what you write about your sisters. I know the kind of bond you share with them. Nothing can beat that! 🙂
Your poor sister! 😛 Did she give you permission to write all this?? 😀 😀 😀
Older sisters don’t take permission Uma, they are only supposed to order! 😛