18 Photos of Sylt island in Germany, and its rich island biodiversity
Walking through the ubiquitous Rosa Rugosa shrubs aka Sylt Rose to reach the Wadden Sea boarded by Sea Grass buried in Sand Dunes was nothing short of divine.
Walking through the ubiquitous Rosa Rugosa shrubs aka Sylt Rose to reach the Wadden Sea boarded by Sea Grass buried in Sand Dunes was nothing short of divine.
I think Sheep and Goats are two of the most photogenic animals. No matter where I see them, I am drawn to them perhaps like nomads to Sheep and Goats. 😉 I find the mountain Sheep and Goats even prettier and their association with Nomads of various parts of India make them all the more interesting. I could spend hours just watching them graze relentlessly, bleat to warn and communicate and poop like nobody’s business and graze again. At the end of the session I come away feeling as if I have done hours of meditation.
While standing in the queue to board the Panjim bus, a hot and snazzy guy boarding the bus caught my attention. I slurped and sighed and boarded the bus myself, a few minutes later. I found my seat with some difficulty as my bags weighed me down and made me look like the ugly version of Atlas carrying the globe on his back. Along with my seat I found the hot snazzy guy sitting next to my seat. Perhaps, I slurped a little too loud and God was feeling generous.